Take a look at what I found!

Discussion in 'Drivetrain Tech' started by Hooligan, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    2010 Shelby mustang 8.8 rear diff cover!! I found it on ebay for under 80.00!!!!


    Can't wait to get it on!

    Turns out this was a prototype diff cover for the shelby before it came out. The owner sent this story along with it..pretty interesting...Have a look!

    O.K., here's the story behind it. I promise, it IS true.....

    I saw the cover, and a few others like it on Ebay a few years ago. The listing stated they were prototype covers and there were VERY limited in number so grab one while you can. I did. After I received it, I looked at it, and liked it, put it back in the box, then shelved it for a while.
    A few weeks (about two months) later, the original seller emailed me through Ebay and asked if I still had it. I answered him with the question,"Why?". He emailed back stating he wanted to buy it back, and would even pay me more than I paid for it. I found this to be very strange. I replied that I was going to keep it, but thanks for the offer to buy it it back.
    He stated he had 7 to begin with and sold them all, was able to retrieve the other 6 and needed mine. I again denied the offer.
    He got my phone number (probably through information), and called me. On the phone, he kept saying how he got them (the covers) and sold them and wasn't supposed to. Sounded fishy to me. I kept asking questions about where they came from, he never would elaborate. I told him I had no reason or desire to sell it back, and planned on keeping it, I bought it, it's mine. He stated that they came from Ford and I could be in trouble if he doesn't get it back (he was from Michigan). I told him if he or any other person felt so inclined to drive to Oklahoma to take it back, feel free to to try it. He stated that he could lose his job, and I could get in trouble for receiving Ford's property. I told him that I bought it from him on Ebay. I had the listing still, and could show him there was nothing in the listing that stated anything about them belonging to Ford, so, I was covered. He kept on about losing his job, needing it back, paying me more money for it. I said "No", and kept it. He stated (after about an hour on the phone), that he was actually suposed to destroy the covers, and figured that he'd just take them home and sell them, and nobody wouyld notice. I guess somebody did.LOL.
    It has a sticker on the side, I called Ford and had them run the part number a couple of years ago, and they said there was no such number like that. I kept the cover for a long time then finally installed it on my '88 Thunderbird. I then swapped differentials and installed a girdle on mine, so I boxed the Shelby prototype cover and had it in my lower cabinet in my tool box. I was going through old parts and such, found it, and decided it was time for it to go to a new owner. I left the sticker on the side. Seemed kind of cool. maybe it has a bigger value, maybe not. Who knows? It was cool to find that it it's a pre-production piece. I had the cover a year or so before the new Shelbys even came to a show room floor. When I got it in the mail, I looked EVERYWHERE to find another place selling them, even Ford. No such animal existed at that time, so it was extra cool at that point. I hope you enjoy it. That's the story about the cover. May be a little boring, but I really love it.


    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
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  3. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    not bad dude!
  4. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    booooooooo...... lol i thought you had a 7.5 rear end.... lol
  5. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    I hope it wasnt out of a 31 spline axle, bc it wont fit otherwise. The ring gear hits the diff unfortunately. All you have to do to remedy that tho is grind a little of it.
  6. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    I double checked before I bought it, They say it'll fit
  7. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Awsome! I found out the hard way with an aftermarket diff cover. Only fits the 31 spline. The carrier sits in an extra 1/4" on them than the 28 spline
  8. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    EEEWWW...thats not good
  9. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    It's all good now, I HAVE a 31 spline axle :D
  10. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Sweet man! This one will fit all 8.8 except if they have IRS
  11. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    nice find
  12. Taylor

    Taylor Roman 1:16

    Nice find man.

    Do you think this diff. cover offers more strength than the ranger OEM cover?
  13. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    ANYTHING offers more strenght over those tin foil pieces of ****s.
  14. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Thanks and yes it will. There are a few more on ebay but they go for 110.00 free shipping
  15. Taylor

    Taylor Roman 1:16

    True lol
  16. Pbav8tor

    Pbav8tor Old Fart

    Sweet! Have to paint it before you put it on. :)
  17. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    I will for sure! Probably going to be red like my other one
  18. rango88

    rango88 Chuck Norris Drove a Ram

    I'd rather paint mine red :) or go for the Explorer one
  19. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Turns out this is a prototype diff cover, I put the owners story up with the picture
  20. Taylor

    Taylor Roman 1:16

    Thats an awesome story.

    Soooo.....wanna sell it to me? lol.
  21. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    lol...there are more on ebay, not prototypes but exact same ones but they are 110.00!

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