Lately I've noticed that my truck's been having a hard time starting, especially in the cold. Today I went to start my truck when it was 17* out, and all I heard was the starter cranking, but the engine didn't do a thing. Literally, it sat there and didn't even turn over once. Then after trying it a few times, I heard a loud clunk, and it turned over a couple times. After that, I cranked it over and it started up after attempting to crank a few seconds. Now before you get on my about the mud, it's been doing things like this for a few weeks now, but today was the worst it has ever done it, to the point I thought my brand new battery died already. So I'm almost positive it's the starter on it's way out. Anyone wanna second my opinion?
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ill second it pete if you try to turn it and you get clicking or clunk its not the battery, any battery issue wouldnt do that. try getting under the truck and banging lightly on the starter with a rachet.
It wasn't even a clicking. It was just a buzz from the starter. And I got it started. It's probably got something to do with sinking up over my wheels yesterday though. And now that it's warmed up, it starts fine. Looks like a junk yard run for me soon.
i think you got that right my starter acts funny sometimes, like if its cold it cranks a few more times than normal, and if i use the remote start and forget to turn the key and i hit the brake it shuts truck off, but if i try to restart it really quick after than i get a loud clunk and shutter from starter, idk what causes it but i try to avoid it.
Yeah, mine sometimes takes a long time to start in the morning, almost like a diesel does. But it also does it on the Dakota too, so I'm leaning more towards that just being a tademark of starting it in the cold.
i just use my auto start most the time, and it usually starts fine that way cold or not, i got a block heater i dont need if your interested.
Huh... Easy enough. I'll definitely consider it, but right now I'm flat broke. I'll see if it still gives me problems first though
no problem man, its gets colder there than here, and about your starter it might be a solenoid that went berserk.
might be a problem when its gets warm i have to do a lights off tire off bed off frame cleaning, i got mud all over.
well i stay away from mud now, from changing diff fluid to washing 3 times, to getting under truck and get a face full of dirt fall off something, ill keep it on the streets.