Ranger Prob still

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 94-ranger, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. 94-ranger

    94-ranger New Member

    just replaced the tranny fluid in my ranger and 2nd gear grinds really bad, any ideas or will i just have to get a new tranny?
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  3. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Have you checked the clutch at all? Could that be the issue?
  4. OP

    94-ranger New Member

    i didnt think it was the clutch because it is only 2nd gear
  5. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    I am not too familiar with it either, I am sure you will get a good response from member Brinker88, he is the man with that stuff
  6. OP

    94-ranger New Member

    alright thanks
  7. Black mamba

    Black mamba The mannnn

    Did you change it with mercronV?
  8. A buddy of mine has a 96 Cherokee. His made a grinding pretty bad. He ended up needing a new transmission. He tried changing the fluid with Royal Purple, but only helped for a week. Like Hooligan said, talk to Brinker88. He knows his stuff.
  9. OP

    94-ranger New Member

    i put dex/merc in it, and i drove it around today and i can throw it into gear really hard and that some what helps but i also dont really need 2nd my 3rd gear speeds up really fast
  10. 00redranger

    00redranger New Member

    Usually if a synchro is bad, it will be 2nd, 4th, and reverse.

    Probably a bad gear.

    You can try Lucas trans treatment, but no promises, could make things worse. I would say save for a JY tranny and swap, then rebuild your current tranny while using the JY one.
  11. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    im bettin a the syncros are bad.

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