Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. 01B3000

    01B3000 ORIGINAL Portable Seizure

    I think liberty mutual. Not too sure. We also get A discount because it gets taken directly out of my mothers paycheck.
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  3. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    ah yea they are expensive...can you say ouch?
  4. Clinton musta looked at it for too long lol
  5. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    whats up with the photo shopping of the bed?
  6. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    blocked the phone number
  7. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    ahhh okay i thought i was tripping for a second untill i realized it was photo shopped
  8. 01B3000

    01B3000 ORIGINAL Portable Seizure

    So that nobody decide to find and call the place and tell the driver what a ****up he is. lol. But they failed, because i can google toyota of york and find them.
  9. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    well yea lol...but the wreck wasnt his fault....lady ran a stop sign
  10. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    the website is on the side still
  11. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    as long as the numbers not on there its fine with me lol
  12. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    i do like the white bobcat out back
  13. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    thats not ours...theres a bobcat dealer right next door to us
  14. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    i still want it/need it
  15. lol DJ, there's so many ways to get the phone number. :p Haha. And i thought I was seeing things too when I saw it
  16. doyouquaxu

    doyouquaxu FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    debating getting white needles for my gauges for when i do the bulb swap.
  17. camodown

    camodown Member

    I want some tires that come on some of those bobcats that are just rubber. Would be great hunting tires since we have horrible thorns that love to flatten tires daily
  18. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    solid rubber ride so hard off a flat even surface
  19. camodown

    camodown Member


    They would be rough but you would be driving on dirt at slow speeds. I don't think a ranger would weigh enough to flex them either.
  20. So tiiirrreeeedddddddd..............
  21. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    ive drivin old forklifts that went like 35, solid rubber rides like hell

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