So a few months back I was driving along in my ranger. Suddenly when I pushed the gas pedal I was getting no power nothing. The engine ran for a couple hundred more feet until I coasted to a stop and it died. Wouldn't start back up. Haven't had the time or the money to mess with it until today. I am getting fuel at the pressure port when the key is turned over. But nothing. The engine will not start. Switched out the relays and still nothing. Not sure where to go from here. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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Just an small update. The check engine light goes off when the key is turned over and the engine is trying to start. Does not stay lit. I'm getting the correct power to my injectors and coil (steady light and pulse). I'm at a complete loss as to why this damn thing will not turn over.'s a 98...HA!
Did this ever get figured out? I am having a similar issue but noticed a bit of oil mixed in as well. I have no oil pressure or fuel pressure it seems and the gas is leaking pretty heavily when I try and start. The fuel pump is about 2 years old Oil was changed days ago Plugs/wires were changed maybe 7 months ago '90 Ranger XLT