OK I will try to give as much info as possible so maybe someone out there can help. I encountered the problem a few days after a fender bender with an RV, minimal damage, truck drove fine after accident. I replaced the rear taillight, and got the driver side fender straight by removing the lowest bolt and inner plastic fender and bending the panel back. I also replaced a shorted GEM module that was defunct before the accident. Now my ranger won't start but it will turn over, there is fuel pressure at the rail, there is a spark, adding some fuel directly to the throttle body will fire the truck until fuel is burned up. My father is a retired ford mechanic and he plugged his computer into the odbII connector and got no response from my truck. Now I know the machine he has is working because when I bought the truck we used his computer to look at all the sensors while driving and made sure there weren't any codes. I've tried switching relays and cleaning grounds with no avail. I also check fuses and the fuel pump can be heard functioning. Still no start. Does anyone have a clue what my issue could be?
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Afte you replaced the GEM did you disconnect the battery to reset the computer? Also does your truck have the fuel shutoff under the glovebox?
I have disconnected the battery even with the headlights on. Still no communication with the computer. The fuel inertia switch is there but I think it's fine since there is fuel pressure and fuel pump runs.
I'm kinda stumped! So it ran fine after you replaced all those parts, but now it turns over but not firing correct?
Well it ran fine until I took out the inner fender and replaced the GEM, so I'm pretty sure it is something electrical. I tried to start it with the other GEM, didn't work and they are Identical part numbers. There is spark and fuel down the intake will run it for a couple of seconds. Im sure the problem has something to do with the computer not communicating key on engine off.
Being that the OBDII reader isnt working, maybe check that fuse or for a short on the accessories or cig lighter. I blew out the OBDII when I touched the Cig lighter wires together when I took out the bezel. I dont think thats the firing issue but you may be able to read something if that fuse blew
If you check that fuse and it's good there is only one problem I can think of is that the computer went south.
I checked all the fuses and found no power at fuse 28 (GEM system) fuse is fine but there is no power at slots when fuse is out. Im using a test light for this. Im starting to think the comp all of a sudden took a crap how can I check if the comp is functioning. This is really frustrating because I have been working on this problem with my Dad and he was a Mechanic at Ford dealer for 30 years and we can't figure it out.@!
The easiest way would be to see if you can locate an identical computer and see if they will loan it to you to make sure it's the problem. Some junkyards do this some don't.
The junkyards in my area (las vegas) are picked clean regularly and hardly have even 2nd gen. rangers as they are all still on the road here in the desert we don't have rust. So it looks like I'm gonna be towing my Ranger into a shop to see if someone else can fix it. I've tested everything except the computer which seems to be issue somehow. sooo frustrated as my pops and I are more than mechanically inclined and we're unable to resolve the problem.
when you turn the key on does the check engine light flash ? or the theft light flashes if so count the flashes It might be the pats system. fuse 26 I think