How we spent April fool's morning.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Sinister04Fx4, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Sinister04Fx4

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.


    There are no words I can really say... It was a miracle that Ryan (Superlifted06Fx4) and I are still here. My truck landed dead center between a telephone pole and some mailboxes. It was still running when we flipped, I can definitely say, it just goes to show Ford is built tough. The only real damage I could see was the cab and the driver side window on the extended cab was busted. As well as the mirrors. Otherwise, not much damage. Flipped it twice.

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  3. that sucks, glad everyone is ok.
  4. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    Holy **** are you guys alright?
  5. OP

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.

    Just a bit banged up, but otherwise we are fine. It's insane how fast stuff like that happens.
  6. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    How did it happen?
  7. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    holy ****!!! whay happen?!??!?!?! so glad you to are okay and no serious injuries!!!!
  8. OP

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.

    I went to pass someone, saw there was a car coming so I backed off. As I was slowing down, the truck I was gonna pass slowed down next to me so I couldn't get back over. I hit the brakes harder, they locked up, and we flipped.
  9. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    that a-hole! did the guy stop or just keep drving?
  10. Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    sorry to hear glad everyones ok, but locking the brakes is a huge no no, but it was a learning experience everyones ok and maybe it dawned on that other guy that hes and idiot time for a rebuilded rebuild
  11. OP

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.

    Surprisingly, he turned around and came back to help. He said he slowed down to let me pass, but I don't think so. He stuck by my side the entire time. I slowed down more, so did he. I let off the brake, and so did he.

    I didn't even mean to lock up the brakes, I was surprised that they did. But yes, I'm going to go pick it up tomorrow and gonna start rebuilding once more.
  12. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    damn boy glad you both are ok
  13. I hate people like that... I just usually force my way back over. Yanno, a 5.0 would've prevented this :p Glad to hear you're alright though and that the truck didn't have too much damage!
  14. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    Did insurance total it out?
  15. Superlifted06FX4

    Superlifted06FX4 Last of the V8s

    They probably won't know.
  16. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    thats just plain idiotic...OP glad you guys are ok...these trucks have a very good safety record
  17. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Glad you guys are okay, I am sure you both will rebuild it better than ever
  18. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    wow thats scary ****, good to hear you guys are fine
  19. OP

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.

    I just can't wait to pick it up tomorrow to see the real damage. The towing and storage fees are gonna be what kills me. I'm still irritated at that, I wanted them to just tow it to my house. But no, they wanna screw me in the ass without the considerate lube up.

    It did give me a wake up call though, that's for sure. I'm happy to be alive.
  20. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    Sucks when something like that happens, but happy ya'll are okay and the truck suffered minimal damage.

    Question: Why pass in the first place? What were the conditions deeming the need to pass? IDK....I guess I just don't see the reason in it. I never pass on two-lanes unless I'm on a roadtrip and the dude in front is going way behind the pace. I guess it's what happens when you drive for a living you learn to be alot more patient.

    Speaking of driving for a living, they called out a pretty darn stout wrecker AND a flatbed? Flatbed winch woulda been more than sufficient to put her back on all fours. (I'm a tow operator).
  21. OP

    Sinister04Fx4 Everything is a project.

    I can ask myself the same question now. The guy in front of me was being a major tool bag, he was going under the speed limit. Then decided to brake check me, I backed off. He decided to go slower, and as I went to pass he sped up. Which led to him copying my every move on trying to back off.

    They called out three trucks, actually. The first one said he couldn't flip it back over, so they called out two more. I did not see the need for it, but I'm sure all they want is money.

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