So tomorrow afternoon, I gotta throw a starter on the truck. I managed to get it running today by rocking it back and forth a bit, and managed to catch it at the right point. Any problems I should be on the lookout for while I'm doing this? And if there isn't one already, I'll do a how-to on it as well.
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see if it was a stick you wouldnt have that problem.... roll start baby... lol with it being 4x4 i'm not sure what all would have to be moved to get the starter out and the new one back in....
The front driveshaft is just below it, but it shouldn't be in the way. And yeah, put her in neutral and pushed to start.
If it's remanufactured you're gonna have problems. Should just be the nuts holding the 2 wires to the starter and then the studs holding the starter on. You MAY have to shim the starter on these newer trucks to get it to line up properly.
Idk if it is or not. I used to put reman on the dakota and never had problems. But oh well. All my budget can work with for now. And that's wonderful that I may have to shim it. Lmao