Hey guys. Summit Racing is running a deal where if you buy an Auto Meter gauge, you get $10 in summit bucks! That means their gauges are around $40 now. I want to get a tranny temp gauge, water temp gauge, and oil pressure gauge possibly but I wouldnt have the foggiest clue as to where to hook up the oil pressure gauge? Anyone know?
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The 4.0 factory oil pressure port is in the left side of the block near the front. To find the port, look below the AC compressor for the oil pressure switch. For 2007~2011 Rangers, the color code of the wire to that switch is gray. It will be easier to see by looking in through the wheel well. The AutoMeter sending unit can be teed together with the factory pressure switch using ordinary fittings.
Awesome! Your first post and it was to me lol. I feel abliged! Thanks for the info and welcome to RF!
are you sure the summit bucks can be applied at time of purchase instead of being for a future purchase?
Thank you Bob!!! Glad to see you pop up on here. For those who don't know, Bob is a GOD of sorts in regards to the inner workings of these trucks, and many other Ford products. Innovator of many mods that are common practice now a days. Even better, Thanks for answering the question I've been pondering for far too long to make my oil pressure gauge an actual accurate gauge, instead of a "8psi+ gauge" or whatever the actual "on" is on the sending unit.