For Sale: free, 03 edge front bumper, painted

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by Shawn, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn Cranky old man


    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
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  3. torps93splash

    torps93splash New Member

    Can i haz :)
  4. torps93splash

    torps93splash New Member

    depending on where you are at in pa i can come pick it up this weekend :)
  5. OP

    Shawn Cranky old man

    Southwest PA. Can you send me a PM?
  6. torps93splash

    torps93splash New Member

  7. OP

    Shawn Cranky old man

    never got PM
  8. TurdFX4

    TurdFX4 Schuylkill Countys Finest

    You don't have the valance for sale do you? just the bumper?
  9. OP

    Shawn Cranky old man

    Nope, I re used the valance with my chrome bumper
  10. blackhat

    blackhat New Member

    Damn! If you still have this, I'll definitely take it off your hands.
  11. OP

    Shawn Cranky old man

    bump. i still have this.. it's wrapped and ready to ship...hate to throw it out...
  12. gcextreme

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    Pics please!!
  13. OP

    Shawn Cranky old man

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