For Sale: 4 hella 500 and light bar

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by hazard-maine, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    items for sale

    selling 4 hella 500 and custom light bar, the bar mounts to the bumper bolt, you should also repaint the bar, all 4 hellas are in perfect condition, i have both wiring kits, selling them for $165 shipped
    next i have a sct xcal 2 i got off scott, i never used it and looking to get rid of it $150 shipped
    and last but no least i have a set of avs smoked headlight covers for 01+ rangers, $35 shipped
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2013
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  3. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

  4. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    update and bump
  5. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

  6. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

  7. 01B3000

    01B3000 ORIGINAL Portable Seizure

    Bump for my *****
  8. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    bump, come people you know you want my stuff

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